Customer Catcher Formula

martin-walesThe Customer Catcher Formula™

“How can I get more customers?”

This is the number one question I get when I ask most entrepreneurs, small business owners and independent professionals what their biggest, burning business question is.  There is no one single method because whether you’re an author, speaker, consultant, retailer or manufacturer, your industry or niche has some unique circumstances and situations. However,there is a ‘formula’ that ensures you can get more customers, clients and raving fans.

But first, to set this up for you…

Every Sunday, I make pancakes for my kids. It’s a simple combination of basic ingredients to deliver fluffy, velvety and tasty pancakes (patting self on back). The base components don’t change – flour, milk, eggs, baking powder, salt – but you can create a variety of pancakes either with additional ingredients, like a banana or chocolate chips, or accessories after the fact, like flavored syrups.

For instance, my eldest daughter was ‘not into’ my pancakes after a while and I was hurt, I admit. Recently, we tried sprinkling my regular offering with icing sugar. Bingo! She was back in the Daddy Pancake Club. :-)

This little anecdote is an example of two things.

1) You need to execute the basics, as the common denominator for success.

2) With only a small change (incremental and/or experimental), you can dramatically change your results.

The Customer Catcher Formula™ is a proven way to cover the basic and proven methods of marketing while allowing you to express your own personality or business philosophy. You can follow it for an Action Plan to get both immediate and long term results.

The Formula combines traditional approaches like networking and book authoring, while integrating more current strategies, like Internet Radio and Podcasting and Social Networking. The most critical factor for maximum return on your investment for money, time and effort is INTEGRATION of all your marketing.

My pancake recipe secrets remain classified.

However, stay tuned for more on The Customer Catcher Formula™.

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